ArkAngel Dance & Theatre
Dancing Along River Niger
Dancing Le Voyage
Flying Canoe
Japanese Dance Traditions
L2D or D2L?
Mexican Fiesta Dances
St. Nick Was a Real Person
Through Irish Eyes & Feet
Voyageur Songs & Dances
Yoga Quotient
Yoga: Sustainable Practice
Born 2 Move Payment

 American Voyageur Fur TraderVoyageur Songs & Dances

 Visit with an authentically clad French voyageur and learn some of the activities, songs and dances done by fur traders during the 17th and 18th centuries in the Great Lakes region. On this voyage you will practice paddling a canoe like a Voyageur, learn about other work they did, what their living conditions were like, and what happened when they wanted to relax and let off some steam. Students will learn Voyageur songs accompanied by movement and/or dances. First-person interpretation of the life of the voyageur will allow your students to imagine themselves in a nearby place long ago, when adventure awaited around every new bend in the river or over every roll of the horizon.

For availabilty with face-to-face delivery in the Great Lakes Region (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, USA; Ontario, CAN), contact marc@born2move.org, or call 920.469.0936.

  920 362-3451