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Dancing Le Voyage
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Mexican Fiesta Dances
St. Nick Was a Real Person
Through Irish Eyes & Feet
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Born 2 Move Payment

  LittleOldMan.gifMexican Fiesta Dances:

                    Dia de los Muertos

In Mexico, Fiestas are a form of national recreation celebrating many different aspects of culture and society. This program challenges learners with different dances tying into  "Dia de los Muertos" (or Day of the Dead) celebrations. During the program, students learn about and try variations of traditional dances with emphasis placed on how each dance/activity embodies a specific message or concept inherent to the Fiesta, including:

  • “Dance of the Little Old Men” (Los Viejitos)
  • “Hand Waving Dance” (a ritual done in cemeteries and at the ofrenda)
  • "The Flyers" (Los Voladores)
  • “Skeleton Dance” (in the cemetary during the all-night vigil)

For availability with face-to-face delivery in the Great Lakes Region (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, USA; Ontario CAN): contact marc@born2move.org, or call 920.469.0936. 

  920 362-3451