ArkAngel Dance & Theatre
Dancing Along River Niger
Dancing Le Voyage
Flying Canoe
Japanese Dance Traditions
L2D or D2L?
Mexican Fiesta Dances
St. Nick Was a Real Person
Through Irish Eyes & Feet
Voyageur Songs & Dances
Yoga Quotient
Yoga: Sustainable Practice
Born 2 Move Payment

           St. Nicholas Was a Real Person    



Venture back to the 3rd & 4th C.s AD to learn about St. Nicholas' birth, life, and the various legends that his reputation has spawned around the globe, culminating with the widely observed St. Nick's Day on December 5th, and the contemporary figure of Santa Claus. Students will engage with these stories by learning physical activities such as a Greek sailor's dance, a Medieval English jig, and the Swedish folkdance, the Hambo, in relation to the significance and vision St. Nicholas has inspired through the ages in countries around the globe.


For availability with face-to-face delivery in the Great Lakes Region (Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, USA; Ontario, CAN), contact marc@born2move.org, or call 920.469.0936. 

  920 362-3451